Saturday 9 July 2016

Here's a holiday house from a few years ago. The strong light of southern Europe is great for contrasty sketches like this. Just draw the shadow shapes... This is the last pen & ink for the time being. Next post will be something a little different...

Trying to get out more :-)
This was done in pen and ink on the spot.

Here is the life drawing group I belong to. Highly recommended if you are passing through Paris...

Here's another pen and ink sketch. The style is very loose as the conditions weren't exactly favorable to spending that much time outdoors.

This sketch was done during a cold day in February. Perfect staying indoors weather.
Dip pen and Indian ink.

I used to take my sketchbook with me when taking the dog through the woods. I'm not sure the dog understood what it was all about. Besides there were more important things to be done like throwing sticks.

Outdoor sketching around Montmartre..
Pen and ink like the last post..

Thursday 7 July 2016

Sketching on Deal beach in January with frozen fingers..
The fishing boats sell their catch on the beach itself.
Pen and ink.

A small sketch in graphite. I tried to get a feeling of depth by using lighter pencil in the background.

I braved the January cold for this little view.. (A belated happy new year to everyone) :-)

 Here's some more experimenting with watercolour and pen & ink. I worked from a photo building up the washes and then adding in detail with the pen. Was a good learning exercise :-) Colours used : French ultramarine blue, Windsor blue, burnt umber and burnt sienna, rose carmine and Gamboge yellow.

Another small sketch to hit off my return to regular blogging! For this I used a Sharpie pen which has a very fine point.