Saturday 27 September 2014

I just spent a couple of weekends drawing the church of Saint Eustache in the centre of Paris. I was impressed by this view with the differnet volumes and asymmetry. The photos below show a progression from pencil preparatory drawing on 6 sheets of A4 cartridge glued together, through to the finished pen drawing. I used a Unipin 0.5mm and I rubbed out the initial pencil lines afterwards. 

Here's the pencil draft showing some rectifications :

The following day I started going over it with the fineliner :

It was important to take photos at the start because the shadows changed a lot in the time I was there :

Here's a close-up. And no I'm not left-handed :)

Another close-up. Building up the ink drawing and some shading/cross-hatching :

The weather stayed dry thankfully :

This is where I got to on the end of the second day :

The third day :

And the fourth day :

Nearing completion :

A close-up :

Here I've rubbed out the pencil lines :

This man was asleep on the train when I came home frm work late one night. He didn't seem to mind me drawing him...

This watercolour sketch was interrupted by rain on two occasions but I came back and finished it off eventually. When I started drawing the scene, it was at low tide. By the time I began painting, the lighter was now afloat and had risen a couple of feet... Leigh marshes, Essex August 2014.

I was sitting watching a concert and I had my sketchbook and a fibre-tip on me....

Monday 15 September 2014

Here's another sketch from a trip to Barcelona sitting in a bar on the Ramblas. The light was quite atmospheric in this interior view and I tried to capture it by simplifying the drawing into areas of flat tone.

Thursday 11 September 2014

This page from my sketchbook is filled with quick studies of passersby, whilst waiting in a café in Wandsworth Highstreet. People are what I find hardest to draw convincingly, so it helps to make notes whenever you find yourself with a few minutes to spare in a busy place.
A simple subject treated simply. This balcony projecting out into a narrow street in Toulon caught my attention...or rather the shadow caught my attention, because it is, in fact a drawing of the shadow.... I used a soft dark pencil.
The curves of these brick arches take on an almost organic look when seen from an angle, like trees in a wood. It's easy to forget that they belong to the classically-determined layout of an arcaded square when pictured like this. The confusion of arches certainly gave me more than my time's worth of  practice at drawing elipses in perspective! :)

Friday 5 September 2014

The intense red of these lilies was difficult to capture. As I drew them I realised that in order to convey the irridescent redness, several colours were needed, red being only one of them. Orange and magenta are found in equal proportions, plus the complimentary, a blue-green. I guess if I had used some subdued complementary colours in the background I could have made them vibrate...

Here's a close-up :


Monday 1 September 2014

Here's an example of how to leave blank paper to do all the work. As the houses get further away they become less and less detailed and more white paper is left showing. If I had tried to put in the same amount of detail in the furthest houses, they would have been too dark, and the impression of distance would have been lost.