Monday 29 June 2015

 Such a busy time lately. Going to resume my regular postings.
Here is a small coloured pencil sketch I did a few years back. The range of colours used is quite limited but combining them produces a wider range. The brick chimney, for example, is a mixture of blue, red and yellow, and the slate roof is magenta and blue....

There's a little exhibittion of my life drawing group's work on at the moment...

Some drawings from this morning's Life Drawing session. Today we worked in the open air and changed location a lot. The poses were all short - from 2-10 minutes - which, for me, is quite difficult; I'm used to having more time. Anyway it makes a change from stippling!

Long overdue update on stipple drawing
Haven't had a great deal of time to spend on it lately but it's nearing completion...

This drawing was done in graphite pencil and is of a courtyard that I photographed in Epinal, France. It's an example of a photorealistic technique where successive layers of pencil are built up from light to dark...

Another update on the ongoing stipple drawing.
I have been working on it at the weekend, and occasionally in the evening after work...

This stone well caught my eye, and the shape of the shadow had a pleasing form. I used hatching to describe the direction of the light falling on the rough surface.

A still life in pencil

Another update and a few words about method :
I work down the page from top to bottom, laying down areas of tone and then building them up gradually. I consider the upper part now to be finished but i may need to go back and strengthen some areas depending on the overall drawing appearance. As you can see i have filled in all the areas of water towards the bottom of the page. I find it helps psychologically to cover large areas like this so I feel like I'm progressing and I'm not working on blank paper. I will build up the shading in subsequent passes.


An early stage of the big stipple drawing....